Create your free will

By answering a short series of questions, taking about 15 minutes, Farewill will be able to create your will. Live chat and phone support are available if you need. Your will is checked by Farewill’s legal experts, who approve it for you to print, sign and have it witnessed.
This service is only available in England and Wales.

Over the phone
Book a telephone appointment with Farewill to write your will over the phone.
When you do speak to Farewill, make sure you notify the Farewill Customer Service team at the very start of the call that you are a supporter of The Royal Countryside Fund and are seeking to take advantage of our free will service.
For legal reasons, this service is only available if you live in the United Kingdom. There is no obligation to leave a gift to the RCF.
Why should you leave a gift to the countryside?
When you sign up to use Farewill, you’ll be able to protect our countryside, and the people who care for it, for the future.
Legacy gifts make a large contribution to what we do for the countryside, rural communities, and farming families. Remembering the RCF in your will ensures your children, and future generations can enjoy the countryside, just as you have.
By leaving a legacy, you are joining our mission to create a real future for rural Britain.
Our pledge to you:
- Your privacy is important to us. We will treat your personal information with care.
- Your loved ones come first. We know those you care about are your priority when writing your will.
- You’ll make a lasting difference. Your gift will ensure the future of our countryside, and the people who care for it.
- Your gift will be treated with discretion. You do not need to let us know that you have left a gift to the RCF in your will. Should you choose to tell us, we will handle all communications and administration with care and sensitivity.